Personal Care Services for the Homebound and Aging in Place

According to a study by the National Library of Medicine, an estimated 1.9 million people are completely or mostly homebound, and even more—5.3 million—have limitations that make it difficult to leave their homes.

Despite an understandable and notable preference for adults over the age of 50 who prefer to age in place to keep autonomy, familiarity, and their sense of independence, doing so safely presents many challenges.

First, the home’s accessibility. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 1 in 10 homes meet the following criteria for being suitable to age in place:

Additionally, basic personal tasks, household and cleaning tasks, transportation and an accessible neighborhood, outdoor and yard maintenance, and mobility are among the most significant challenges for senior homeowners.

Last, and perhaps the most crucial statistic, is the lack of support systems and the strain on spousal or informal caregivers’ health and well-being can result in increased rates of mortality, dementia, heart disease, stroke, anxiety, depression, and suicide.

In-home care agencies that provide personal care services for the elderly or people with mobility issues are essential to their quality of life. With compassionate and caring personal care services from a home care agency, clients can remain in their homes, and avoid expensive skilled nursing or assisted living.  

All Saints Home Care agency provides a variety of services to clients including personal care services, which include bathing and grooming assistance, dressing assistance, help going to the restroom, and help moving from one place to another. Our professional caregivers play an important role in helping people age in place more affordably, with some independence, and with dignity. 

Types of Personal Care Assistance

Personal care assistance focuses on assisted daily living. These are tasks most people take for granted and include bathing, grooming, going to the bathroom, and moving about a room. We always respect the privacy and preferences of our clients when providing personal care assistance.

Bathing and grooming assistance

For some, taking a bath or shower independently isn’t an option. Our professional caregivers assist with bathing as well as grooming. Bathing assistance includes ensuring the water is at a safe temperature, and the bathroom is safe from trip hazards or things that can cause a slip-and-fall. Properly trained professional caregivers can safely assist your loved one into and out of the bathtub or shower.

In addition to bathing, our caregivers can also help with grooming. Grooming assistance includes washing, conditioning, and drying hair. Our professional caregivers are careful to use products preferred by the client. Clients who need assistance with brushing their teeth, flossing, or with denture care can depend on our caregivers to help them. Skincare is important as well, as skin tends to become thinner as we age. Applying lotion and checking for pressure ulcers or overly dry skin can prevent more serious health issues.

Maintaining daily personal hygiene is important to physical and mental health. Those who need personal care are especially vulnerable. All Saints Home Care is committed to providing our clients with dignified, respectful personal care services.

Dressing assistance

People with limited mobility may also have issues dressing themselves. Raising the arms above the head or leaning over to put on socks isn’t easy for many people who are aging in place. In some cases, their wardrobe needs to be updated to include shirts that button in the front. Clothing that is soft and stretchable is ideal. In addition to comfortable clothing, having comfortable non-slip shoes is necessary.

Toileting assistance

There may come a time for some people to need assistance going to the restroom. This can be caused by coordination issues, incontinence, muscle weakness, dizziness, and limited flexibility. Our professional caregivers provide help getting to the restroom if needed as well as assistance with helping them remove clothing, sitting on the toilet, and cleaning themselves after. Toileting assistance can be uncomfortable for clients, so All Saints caregivers are committed to clear, concise, respectful communication with clients through this process.

Mobility assistance

Transferring assistance, or mobility assistance, is necessary when a person has a hard time standing and moving on their own. Our caregivers receive training on properly helping another person transfer from one location to another. Whether it’s from one room to another, or a bed to a wheelchair, or one chair to another, our team is trained and capable of moving your loved ones safely.

The Importance of Personal Care Assistance

Those who need help with personal care are especially vulnerable. It’s essential your loved one has a properly trained caregiver who can help them with these personal daily tasks safely and with respect.

Personal care assistance helps the client preserve their dignity. With assistance, the client can maintain their personal hygiene and appearance which is important to both physical and mental health. Personal care assistance also helps the client retain some control over their daily activities.

In home care agencies that provide personal care services help provide the clients with an enhanced quality of life. Meeting personal care needs helps to keep the client healthier physically and mentally. Bathing, grooming and getting dressed all have an impact on mental health. Poor personal hygiene can cause social isolation which can already be a struggle for many who are homebound. Personal care services help keep clients looking and feeling like they’re ready for company. Additionally, poor personal hygiene can increase risk for health issues including tooth decay, scabies, and chronic diarrhea.

Finally, personal care assistance allows individuals to remain in their homes and communities. This sense of independence is important. Care plans are customized to each client which helps keep people at home longer.

The Impact of Good Personal Care Assistance for Families

A home care agency like All Saints, and services such as personal care assistance, can provide tremendous relief and respite for families and primary caregivers. Knowing a loved one is in safe, capable hands allows a primary caregiver to take time for self-care including medical appointments, errands, or relaxation to reduce stress and anxiety and help them to stay healthier in the long term.  

Access to Personal Care Services

All Saints Home Care and other home care agencies help individuals stay in their homes longer, which is more cost-effective than traditional skilled nursing home care.

Home care services, including personal care services, are frequently covered through Medicaid, or Medicaid Waivers, or both. Long-term care insurance policies are designed to help offset the costs or pay for medical care that is required if a person can no longer take on activities of daily living themselves. According to the AARP, the coverage is typically capped at a dollar amount monthly or has a maximum lifetime.

All Saints also works with programs provided through the State of Kansas, Sedgwick County Department on Aging, and the Central Plains Area on Aging. Our team can help you determine which programs you may be eligible for to assist with the cost of care.

Choosing a Home Care Agency

When choosing a home care agency, it’s important to make sure the agency has a track record of safety and is properly licensed and insured, for example, All Saints Home Care. Ask your family and friends if they have had experience with an agency. You may want to ask for references and read online reviews.

Safety is your, and our, primary concern. At All Saints Home Care all caregivers receive a background check before they are employed and before they work with any clients. Our professional caregivers are trained and receive ongoing continuing education. We know leaving your vulnerable loved one in the hands of another is hard, and we work to protect the trust you have and build relationships with our clients and their primary caregivers.

All Saints Home Care Services

If your loved one needs personal care assistance, All Saints Home Care can help. We have locations in Wichita, Hutchinson, and Newton and work in those metro areas. We have provided quality, compassionate personal care services for 24 years.

In addition to personal care, we also offer other services including medication reminders, meal preparation, general housekeeping, errands, and grocery shopping.

Medication Reminders

Taking medication consistently is important to your health. Our caregivers work with our clients’ healthcare providers and understand your needs. We create schedules and can ensure that medication is taken on time, and as prescribed.

Meal Preparation

Proper nutrition is key to good health at any age. However, as we age, we sometimes need help to prepare meals to keep ourselves nourished. We work with clients to make sure we are providing food they enjoy as well as nutritious meals.

General Housecleaning

A clean and tidy home is important for your physical and mental health. Clutter and piles of laundry can cause slips and falls. A dirty kitchen and dishes can create mold and attract pests. Our professional caregivers can help your loved one with a variety of housekeeping chores to make sure it’s a safe and comfortable environment.


People with limited mobility often have trouble leaving the home, and especially running errands. Our caregivers can pick up prescriptions, laundry, and dry-cleaning, take pets to the vet or for a walk, go to the post office, and more. We can take care of these tasks so your loved one can relax knowing their business is being handled.

Grocery Shopping

Our caregivers can make grocery lists and do personalized shopping for your loved one. We can also help your loved one place grocery orders for delivery or pickup. If your loved one wants to go to the store, we can provide physical assistance throughout the trip.

Contact Us

If your loved one needs personal care assistance, contact All Saints Home Care. Our team can help determine your loved one’s needs and walk you through the processes needed to start care. We are with you all the way to provide relief for primary caregivers, and safety, and dignity to our clients.

The Vital Role of Personal Care Attendants in In-Home Care

In the journey of aging or facing health challenges, maintaining independence while receiving necessary care becomes a priority for many individuals. All Saints Home Care understands the significance of this balance, offering personalized in-home care solutions tailored to meet unique needs. Central to this support system is personal care attendants or caregivers, who are compassionate and skilled professionals who make a remarkable difference in enhancing the quality of life for those they assist.

What Does a Personal Care Attendant Do?

Over 800,000 people in the United States work as personal care attendants. These important caregivers play a multifaceted role in providing comprehensive in-home care. Their primary focus is on ensuring the comfort, safety, and well-being of their clients. At All Saints Home Care, our professional caregivers provide services designed to help patients with the tasks that are needed the most.

Medication Reminders

Maintaining a proper medication schedule is critical for managing health conditions. Our caregivers assist in ensuring that clients take their medications on time as prescribed by healthcare professionals. With their attentive and organized approach, they help prevent missed doses and ensure adherence to medication regimens.

Personal Care Assistance

Maintaining personal hygiene and grooming routines can become challenging for some people as they age or recover from illness. Here, the expertise of personal care attendants shines through. They provide invaluable assistance with tasks like bathing, dressing, grooming, and oral hygiene. With a respectful and dignified approach, our caregivers help clients feel comfortable and confident in their own skin.

Grocery Shopping and Meal Preparation

Maintaining a balanced diet is vital for overall health. Our caregivers extend their support by assisting with grocery shopping and meal preparation. They can help plan nutritious meals, shop for ingredients, and even prepare delicious and healthy dishes. This service not only ensures proper nutrition but also adds an element of companionship and social interaction.

Errands and Daily Tasks

From running errands to assisting with light household chores, our professional caregivers offer a helping hand in various daily activities. Whether it’s organizing appointments, picking up prescriptions, or tidying up spaces, their assistance contributes significantly to easing the burden on clients and their families.

The Essence of Compassion and Understanding

Beyond the services they provide, what truly sets All Saints Home Care caregivers apart is their compassionate approach. They establish meaningful connections with their clients, understanding their preferences, needs, and aspirations. Building trust and fostering a sense of companionship, our team creates an environment where clients feel valued, respected, and cared for.

The Impact of Personal Care Attendants on Quality of Life

The presence of a Personal Care Attendant goes beyond mere assistance with tasks. It’s about fostering independence while ensuring a sense of security and support within the comfort of one’s home. The services provided by caregivers empower individuals to maintain their lifestyles and routines, promoting a higher quality of life and overall well-being.

Respite for the Family Caregiver

Caregiving 24 hours a day, seven days a week is exhausting and takes a toll on the physical and mental health of the caregiver. In fact, the National Institute of Health has data indicating that more than 20% of caregivers report that it is financially and physically difficult for them.

Effects on Physical Health

The Family Caregiver Alliance reports that caregivers self-report being in fair or poor health with one or multiple chronic health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. These rates are more than twice the rate of non-caregivers.

Heart disease can be worsened by stress, which is abundant for caregivers. Caregivers are also less likely to get preventative care for their own health, which places them at greater risk. Nearly three-quarters of caregivers reported that they had not gone to the doctor for themselves or missed appointments due to caregiving.

The stress of caregiving takes an extreme toll on people causing or exacerbating multiple health conditions. As a result, caregivers have a 63% higher death rate than their non-caregiving peers.

Effects on Mental Health

Additionally, 44% of caregivers report that it is emotionally challenging for them. Those who provide care for loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease are especially at risk for burnout and one in 17 caregivers of patients with dementia died by suicide.

Women who are caregivers are more likely than men to develop depression and anxiety. In addition, caregivers may feel overwhelmed, and isolated, and suffer from fatigue. Other signs of caregiver fatigue include an inability to concentrate, changes in appetite and weight, changes in sleep patterns, irritability, and even a weakened immune system.

Caregiver burnout is a “state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that can happen when you dedicate time and energy to manage the health and safety of someone else.” Approximately 60% of caregivers report experiencing caregiver burnout.

Top Causes of Caregiver Burnout?

Caregivers who don’t have a support system are more likely to experience caregiver burnout, however, there are other factors that can increase the chances of feeling burned out including role confusion, unrealistic expectations, lack of control, and unreasonable demands from their loved one or themselves.

Role Confusion

When a spouse suddenly becomes a caregiver for the other spouse it can cause confusion, stress, and turmoil. If other family members become involved it can also blur the lines of those relationships.

Unrealistic Expectations

Caregivers often start out hopeful that their loved one’s condition will improve and depending on the issue, sometimes it doesn’t. Often caregivers underestimate the toll that caring for their loved one will take on them physically, mentally, and emotionally. It then becomes overwhelming which can cause depression and even shame.

Lack of Control

Caring for a loved one is hard and those who aren’t trained can find it especially frustrating. The lack of control to restore a loved one to health can take a toll.

Unreasonable Demands

Whether the unreasonable demand is coming from the caregiver themselves as they place demands on their abilities or from their loved ones, it’s incredibly stressful. This stress can lead to feeling overwhelmed.

Benefits of Professional Caregiving

Professional caregiving services such as personal care attendants can provide much-needed respite for family caregivers. Respite care can come in the form of a few hours, to an entire day or longer if needed.

These breaks allow the family caregiver to take care of their own needs whether it’s to go to their own appointments, shop or even visit with friends. Respite breaks are essential to preventing caregiver burnout.

All Saints Home Care Can Help

At All Saints Home Care, our commitment to delivering exceptional in-home care is upheld by the dedication and expertise of our professional caregivers. Through their personalized care, they make a profound difference in the lives of those they serve.

If you or a loved one are seeking compassionate and professional in-home care services, contact All Saints Home Care to discover how we can tailor our services to meet your unique needs and enhance your quality of life at home.

How Do I Find an In-Home Caregiver?  

Your Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Perfect Match 

As our loved ones age, finding reliable and compassionate in-home caregivers becomes a crucial concern for many families. But where do you start? If you’re asking yourself, “How do I find an in-home caregiver?” this blog post is for you. 

The decision to hire an in-home caregiver or agency such as All Saints Home Care, is not one to be taken lightly, as it involves the well-being and happiness of those we hold dear. However, with the right approach and information, this process can be made much smoother. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to find the perfect in-home caregiver for your loved one, addressing your concerns and helping you make an informed decision. 

Assess Your Loved One's Needs 

The first step in finding an in-home caregiver is to assess the needs of your loved one. Take note of their medical conditions, personal care requirements, and any specific assistance they may need with daily activities. Understanding their needs will enable you to communicate effectively with potential caregivers and find someone who is experienced in providing the appropriate level of care. 

Determine Your Budget 

In-home care can vary significantly in cost depending on the level of care required and your location. Before starting your search, determine a budget that you can comfortably afford. Keep in mind that the caregiver's qualifications and experience will also influence the cost. While it's essential to stay within your budget, remember that quality care is an investment in your loved one's well-being. Home care agencies such as All Saints Home Care often accept insurance or Medicaid.  

Seek Recommendations and Referrals 

When searching for an in-home caregiver, personal recommendations and referrals can be invaluable. Speak to friends, family members, or neighbors who have gone through a similar experience. Additionally, consult with healthcare professionals, social workers, or local support groups to gather recommendations. Word-of-mouth referrals often lead to finding caregivers with exceptional skills and a history of reliable service. 

Research Licensed Agencies 

A licensed home care agency such as All Saints Home Care can provide you with a pool of pre-screened and trained caregivers. All Saints will handle background checks, provide training, and oversee the caregivers' performance. In addition, All Saints is licensed, bonded, and insured, which ensures a higher level of accountability and professionalism. 

Conduct Interviews 

Once you have a list of potential caregivers or agencies, conduct interviews to assess their suitability. Prepare a list of questions that cover their experience, qualifications, availability, and approach to caregiving. Inquire about their familiarity with specific medical conditions or specialized care requirements your loved one may have. During the interviews, pay attention to their communication skills, empathy, and overall compatibility with your loved one. 

Check References 

Before making a final decision, ask for references from previous clients or employers. Speaking with those who have firsthand experience with the caregiver can provide valuable insights into their work ethic and the quality of care they provide.  

Consider Personality Fit 

Apart from the caregiver's skills and qualifications, consider their personality fit with your loved one. A caring and compassionate relationship between the caregiver and the care recipient can significantly enhance the quality of care provided. It’s important for your loved one to have trust in the person who will be caring for them, and trust starts with a good personality match.  

Perform Background Checks 

Your loved one's safety is of utmost importance, so it's essential to conduct thorough background checks on potential caregivers. Ensure that they have a clean criminal record and that all their credentials are legitimate. All Saints Home Care takes this step off your plate. Our professional caregivers are background checked and screened before setting foot into a client’s home. 

Is All Saints Home Care Right for You? 

Finding the right in-home caregiver for your loved one may seem like a daunting task, but by following these steps and considering the factors mentioned, you can make an informed and thoughtful decision. Take your time, do your research, and trust your instincts.  

With the right caregiver, such as All Saints Home Care, your loved one can continue to enjoy a comfortable, happy, and fulfilling life in the comfort of their own home. Remember, providing the best care for your loved one is a precious gift that can never be underestimated. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help. 

Talking to Aging Parents About the Need for In Home Caregiver Services 

As our loved ones age, the responsibilities and dynamics within our families change significantly. One of the most delicate and crucial conversations to have with aging parents is about the need for in home caregiver services. This can be a difficult conversation, as it touches on their independence and overall well-being. Approach the conversation with empathy, understanding, and careful planning to ensure that your aging parents receive support while preserving their dignity. In this blog, we review some of the best ways to broach this conversation. 

Tips for Talking to Your Parents 

When initiating a conversation about in home caregiver services, it is essential to acknowledge your parents' desire for independence. Start by expressing your respect for their autonomy. Let them know the goal is to improve their quality of life, not treat them like children. Assure them that in home caregiver services can help maintain their independence while their safety and comfort. 

Take the time to listen actively and understand their perspective. Recognize their worries about losing privacy or feeling like a burden. Reassure them that their feelings are valid and that you are committed to finding a solution that addresses their concerns while prioritizing their health and safety. 

Before discussing the topic with your parents, research in-home caregiving services such as those from All Saints Home Care. Learning more about the types of assistance provided, including personal care, medication reminders, meal preparation, and companionship. Knowing more about these services will help you answer your parents' questions. 

No adult wants to have decisions made for them. Make your parents active participants in the decision-making process. Respect their preferences and involve them in choosing the type of caregiver, establishing a care schedule, and determining the level of assistance required. Reassure them they aren't alone. More than 4 million Americans received in-home care in 2017 and the numbers are expected to continue to rise. 

Help your parents understand the benefits in home caregiving service including safety, companionship, and helping other family members who may be unable to provide the level of care that is required. Focus on the positive and how these services can improve their quality of life, allowing them to focus on the activities they enjoy and maintain their independence for longer. 

Talking to your aging parents about the need for in home caregiving services requires empathy, patience, and understanding. By approaching the topic with respect for their independence and involving them in decision-making, you can help alleviate their concerns and emphasize the benefits of in home services. 

Remember that open communication and active listening are key to finding a solution that ensures their health, safety, and overall well-being while preserving their dignity and autonomy. 

Need In Home Caregiver Services?  

All Saints Home Care provides professional caregiving services for people who are aging-in-place or who are recovering from surgery or illness at home. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help! 

Celebrating Older Americans & In-Home Caregiver Services

May is Older Americans Month 

May is Older American Month and a celebration of all that senior citizens contribute to our society. Seniors bring valuable experience, skills, and perspectives that enrich communities. Agencies such as All Saints Home Care who provide in-home caregiver services, have a front seat to the meaningful contributions seniors make to the world. 

Senior citizens possess a wealth of knowledge and life experience, which they can share with younger generations. They provide guidance, mentorship, and wisdom based on their personal and professional journeys. Their insights help shape the values and traditions of society. 

Many seniors dedicate their time and energy to volunteering for various causes. They contribute to community organizations, charities, schools, hospitals, and religious institutions. Through their volunteer work, seniors offer support, care, and expertise, making a positive impact on the lives of others.  

As the retirement age continues to rise, many older Americans continue to work and contribute their professional expertise well into what are considered retirement years. They serve as consultants, advisors, or part-time employees, sharing their knowledge and skills with younger colleagues. Their experience brings stability, mentorship, and continuity to various industries. 

Senior citizens often hold deep cultural knowledge and traditions. They pass down customs, stories, and artistic skills to younger generations, ensuring the preservation of cultural heritage. By sharing their cultural insights, seniors contribute to the richness and diversity of society. 

The older generations also serve as role models for those who are younger. They embody resilience, compassion, and perseverance, inspiring others to lead fulfilling lives. By sharing their life stories and demonstrating the rewards of a well-lived life, seniors contribute to the personal growth and development of individuals in our community.  

The Importance of Planning for Healthcare 

As we celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of senior citizens, we also recognize the importance of taking care of them. Older Americans are more likely to retire at later ages than in previous generations and are estimated to live an average of 17 years longer than their parents and grandparents.  

More seniors are also choosing to age in place, instead of moving to retirement communities or assisted living. It’s essential that seniors begin planning for healthcare as soon as possible. In-home caregiver services such as All Saints Home Care can help bridge the gap, providing health and home services in the comfort of a familiar environment, and at a more affordable price than senior living communities. Our team values senior citizens and provides the best possible in-home care. If your loved one needs in-home caregiver services, contact us

Allergies, Cold, or Virus? Home Health Care Tips for You 

This is the time of the year when sniffles and sneezes start, and many of us wonder if we have allergies, a cold, or a virus. Often the symptoms of allergies, a cold, and viruses are similar. It can be difficult to determine what might be the cause when we don’t feel well. As more Kansans receive home health care, it’s important to know the difference between allergies, a cold, or a virus, including Covid-19.  

Seasonal Symptoms 

Springtime in Kansas means the tree pollens, grasses, and weeds will start to bloom and that can wreak havoc on our immune systems. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, Wichita is the top spot for seasonal allergies in the nation. 

Seasonal allergies including hay fever are caused when pollen gets into the nose and throat and trigger allergic reactions in your immune system. Symptoms can include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, cough, post-nasal drip, sore throat, and itchy, red, and watery eyes. You can determine whether you’re dealing with allergies if symptoms occur when allergens are present and decrease when those allergens aren’t around. Also, if symptoms are relieved when taking an antihistamine, allergies are the likely cause. An allergy-related cough is typically a dry cough, that may last three weeks while allergens are in peak season. 

Cold Symptoms 

A cold can last longer, up to two weeks, and can have the same symptoms as allergies including stuffy or runny nose, and a sore throat and cough. However, colds often produce wet, phlegmy coughs, which is different than the cough caused by post-nasal drip from allergies. Colds can also cause fevers, and chills. Allergies may make you feel run down, but you won’t have fevers or chills. Body aches are also common symptoms of a cold.  

Is it a Cold or Covid? 

Itchy throats, cough, and even conjunctivitis in the eyes can be symptoms of viruses including Covid-19. While these symptoms overlap with allergies or a common cold, other symptoms can indicate that a virus, including the Covid virus, is the culprit. Headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing are common symptoms of Covid.  

Additionally, diarrhea, fever, muscle aches, nausea or vomiting, and losing the sense of taste or smell are also common to Covid. If you’re showing allergy-like symptoms, but want to rule out Covid infection, you can take a simple at-home test. You can have free tests mailed to you for testing through Project Access Covid Tests (ACT).  

If you’re receiving home health care after surgery or illness, it’s important to make sure you reduce your risk of becoming sick with Covid or other viruses. You can reduce your risk by continuing to wear a mask if you go out in public or are in large crowds and wash your hands frequently. You can also reduce the risk of serious Covid illness by receiving Covid vaccinations and boosters. 

Need Home Health Care Assistance? 

All Saints Home Care can help you if you’re recovering at home from an illness or surgery, or need assistance as you or a loved one ages in place. Contact us at either our Wichita or Hutchinson offices to learn more about our services.  

Home Care Assistance and Nutrition

It’s important to talk about nutrition as we age. Nutrition is important for people of all ages, but it becomes especially crucial for senior citizens. As people age, their bodies undergo changes that affect their nutritional needs, such as a decrease in muscle mass and changes in the digestive system.  


Proper nutrition can help older people maintain their health, prevent chronic diseases, and improve their quality of life both for those who live independently and for those who have home care assistance. 


Important Nutrition Tips 

Below are some reasons that proper nutrition is important, especially as we age. 

Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats can help senior citizens maintain a healthy weight. This can help reduce the risk for illnesses including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Healthier choices can also help manage chronic illnesses such as diabetes by controlling blood sugar levels.


Proper nutrition can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Senior citizens are at an increased risk of osteoporosis, a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle. Eating foods that are high in calcium and vitamin D, such as milk, cheese, and fortified cereals, can help support bone health.  


As people age, their digestive system may become less efficient. Eating a diet that is high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help improve digestion and prevent constipation. 


Eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients can help boost energy levels and support the immune system. This can help senior citizens stay active and maintain their independence or recover more quickly from surgery or illnesses. 


Home Care Assistance 

Overall, proper nutrition is crucial for older people to maintain their health and well-being. It is especially important for them to eat a balanced diet to meet their changing nutritional needs. All Saints Home Care provides meal preparation for clients who are recovering from surgery or aging in place. If you or a loved one needs assistance at home, contact All Saints Home Care. 

Safer Senior Living

According to statistics, the bathroom is the second most dangerous room in your home, after the kitchen. Approximately 370 people each day in the United States are injured in a bathroom. A majority of those who are injured, 79% are ages 65 and older. The most common injuries come from slips and falls. According to the CDC, every year 3 million older people are treated in emergency departments for falls. There are steps you can take to make your bathroom, or a loved one’s bathroom safer while living independently and improve senior living.

Bath Safety Tips for Those Aging-in-Place

Below are some of the most common ways you can improve senior living with safety measures.

Senior Living Home Care

In addition to making the bathroom safer for your loved ones, you may need assistance aging in place. All Saints Home Care can be there for you to help with personal care including hygiene and grooming, meal preparation, medication reminders, general house cleaning, and errands. The proper support and safety measures can ensure you or your loved one can live independently for as long as possible. Contact us at 316-755-1076 for more information about our home care services.

Senior Home Care vs Assisted Living

It can be around this time of year that families gather and discuss senior home care options for their loved ones. Only about 3.3% of Americans have long-term care insurance which helps pay for assistance needed as you grow older for either in-home care or a nursing home. There are advantages to choosing in-home care over a nursing home. 


Benefits of Home Care 

Aging in place, versus living in a nursing home is preferable for most people. This option is more feasible now than ever with in-home care such as All Saints Home Care. 


One benefit of in-home care is that your loved one will still have the freedom they are accustomed to, with just some additional assistance. Seniors with in-home care can still do the activities they enjoy such as visiting with friends and family, hobbies, and daily activities. They have the freedom to keep their own schedule as well.  


Additionally, seniors can keep their pets, who are a great source of companionship and purpose. Pets also provide stress relief and reduce anxiety and depression. These reasons are why All Saints has implemented our Very Important Pet (VIP) initiative to recognize the importance of our clients’ pets. 


Aging in place is comforting for many seniors. A change in location from the familiar to a facility can take a toll on mental and emotional health. Staying in their home can help seniors stay happier and feel less isolated. 


In-home care can be personalized to meet the individual needs of the client. Some clients may need assistance with grooming and personal care. Some may need medication reminders and meals. Some may need help with housekeeping, or errands. And others may need assistance with all the above. All Saints Home Care works with our clients’ medical teams and families to create the best care plan for that individual. 


Finally, in-home care can be a more cost-effective solution for long-term care than assisted living. In-home care can be a fraction of the cost of assisted living. Often Medicare and Medicaid can also be used to pay for in-home care.  


Talk to All Saints Home Care 

In-home care allows seniors to maintain independence and can provide relief for regular caregivers.  Call All Saints Home Care at 316-755-1076 to get more information about how we can help you or a loved one with senior home care. 

November is National Family Caregiving Month 

Caregiving for a loved one is hard work. In fact, there are an estimated 34.2 million informal caregivers who provide daily care for an adult over the age of 50 in the United States. Approximately 15.7 million family caregivers are taking care of someone with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. Caregiving can take a toll on the physical and mental health of the caregiver. However, there are ways in which you can reduce your stress level if you are a caregiver including respite care services. 


Ways to Reduce Caregiving Stress 

Learning about the kinds of resources that are available to you is essential. If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s, the Alzheimer’s Association has resources for you including support groups, tips for daily living, and more. All Saints Home Care is an excellent resource for caregivers. Our team can assist your loved one on a daily or weekly basis to provide respite for caregivers. 


When you have respite care, do something that brings you joy. This could be attending a book club, meeting a friend for lunch, or anything that helps reduce your stress and connect with yourself and others. 


Planning meals can be time-consuming and drain your energy. To get relief from this stress, consider meal delivery services, or services such as meal preparation from All Saints Home Care.   


It’s important to stay on top of your own physical health. Taking care of yourself and stress management includes exercise. Physical activity can include walking, dancing, going to the gym, or even gardening.  Keep your doctor’s appointments and take any prescribed medication regularly. 


Self-care can also include relaxation techniques. Breathing exercises, visualization, and meditation can all be beneficial. If you see a therapist, be sure to schedule time with them when needed. 


All Saints Home Care Can Help 

Caregiver stress is high, and All Saints Home Care can help relieve the stress with our in-home services. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.